
Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
Fitness for Everyone: Get better everyday with "Just Tryin' to Look Like You!"
Ready to ditch the workout woes and crush your self-improvement goals with a smile? We hope to be your weekly dose of real-life wellness adventures with your new workout buddies, Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins! We're sharing our journeys, struggles, successes, and all the fun in between.
This episode we discuss:
- Body: Trust your gut,and give your body something to sleep about.
- Mind: Don't outgrow your Joy, or let teenage-you dictate adult-you's thinking.
- Community: Curate toxicity out of your circles, and embrace reality.
- Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/@zeroesonheroes5603)
- Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/zeroesonheroes)
- Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes)

Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Fitness for Everyone: Get Strong & Smile with "Just Tryin' to Look Like You!"
Ready to ditch the workout woes and crush your self-improvement goals with a smile? We hope to be your weekly dose of real-life wellness adventures with your new workout buddies, Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins! We're sharing our journeys, struggles, successes, and all the fun in between.
This episode we discuss:
- Body: Do workouts that bring your joy!
- Mind: Eat foods that bring you joy!
- Community: Be with people that bring you joy!
- Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/@zeroesonheroes5603)
- Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/zeroesonheroes)
- Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes)

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Just Trying To Look LikeYOU! - Toxic Masculinity & Staten Island Sewer People - Ep002
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Fitness for Everyone: Get Strong & Smile with "Just Tryin' to Look Like You!"
Ready to ditch the workout woes and crush your self-improvement goals with a smile? We hope to be your weekly dose of real-life wellness adventures with your new workout buddies, Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins! We're sharing our journeys, struggles, successes, and all the fun in between.
This episode we discuss:
- Body: Recognizing your limits vs limitations, get good SLEEP!
- Mind: Allowing yourself to enjoy your time off from the gym, unlearning bad habits and Faux-Masculinity!
- Community: Do someone a favor without expectation of reward, use the tools you have to help those you care about!
- Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/@zeroesonheroes5603)
- Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/zeroesonheroes)
- Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes)

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Just Trying to Look Like YOU! - Ep001 - Fun! Fitness! Friends!
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Fitness for Everyone: Get Strong & Smile with "Just Tryin' to Look Like You!"
Ready to ditch the workout woes and crush your fitness goals with a smile? We hope to be your weekly dose of real-life fitness adventures with your new workout buddies, Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins! We're sharing our journeys, struggles, successes, and all the fun in between.
- This new show is all about:
Positivity & Progress: We celebrate every step towards a healthier you, no matter how big or small. - Real & Relatable: We share our honest experiences (because fitness isn't always perfect!) to show you're capable of anything.
- Inclusive Fitness: We want to hear your stories! Anything you're doing to improve your physical fitness and mental health is fair game.
- Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/@zeroesonheroes5603)
- Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/zeroesonheroes)
- Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes)

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
#HeyWatchThis: A KNIGHT'S TALE! - 7/29/2019 - HWT003
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
FOOD & GLORY! The latest edition of #HeyWatchThis was curated by none other than @VoxtheDevil himself, JOHN SMITH! He really wants you to watch the ultimate jousting-as-a-sport classic, A KNIGHT'S TALE! Watch along as out #CreekHeroes record an audio commentary track discussing the actually desirable wardrobe, naked Paul Bettany, and FONGING!!
Please like the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/Zeroesonheroes

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Unsung Heroes: Case of the Mondays - 7/8/2019 - UH116
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
#UnsungHeroes is officially MOVING TO #MONDAYS! The kick-off #Monday is going to be all about the #corporategrind! Our #CreekHeroes told us all about their #BEST/#WORST/#DREAM #jobs! Did I mention we're MOVING THE SHOW TO MONDAYS!?
Please like the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/Zeroesonheroes

Friday Jun 28, 2019
Unsung Heroes: UN-CANCELLED! - 6/27/2019 - UH115
Friday Jun 28, 2019
Friday Jun 28, 2019
BRING IT BACK! The latest #Unsung Heroes was all about UN-cancel culture, as in shows that ended before their time! Our #Creek Heroes dive into the shows they love that deserve a second chance! Also, this episode take a wild turn and goes completely OFF THE RAILS!
Please like the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/Zeroesonheroes

Monday Jun 24, 2019
Unsung Heroes: PRIDE ROCK! - 6/23/2019 - UH114
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
In honor of #Pride, the Latest #UnsungHeroes was all about celebrating the #LGBT+ #Heroes in the world! With the aid of guest cohosts John Smith (@VoxTheDevil) & Brendan Gillett (@Scrumpledina), our guests shared personal stories and celebrated #Queer Icons!
Please like the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/Zeroesonheroes

Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Unsung Heroes: BOMB SQUAD! - 6/13/2019 - UH113
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
WE ABOUT TO BLOW UP! Or in the case of this edition of #UnsungHeroes, BOMB HARD! Listen in as our #CreekHeroes talk about their best-worst bombing stories, the worst bombs they've ever seen, and WALLOW IN FAILURE!
Please like the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/Zeroesonheroes

Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Hey Watch This: HACK THE PLANET! - 6/6/2019 - HWT002
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
#HeyWatchThis is back! This #UnsungHeroes, we created an audio commentary track for one of @MikeMercadal's favorite movies! Queue up 1995's Hackers and watch along as we... #HACKTHEPLANET with #ZeroCool, #AcidBurn, & our #CreekHeroes!
Please like the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/Zeroesonheroes