
Friday Aug 24, 2018
CRAZY RICH Unsung Heroes! - 08/24/2018 - UH078
Friday Aug 24, 2018
Friday Aug 24, 2018
WHO WANT'S TO BE A METAPHORICAL MILLIONAIRE! On the latest edition of #UnsungHeroes, we find out what happens when you give a bunch of comedians a MILLION DOLLARS! The answers will shock you with their mediocrity, sensible whimsy, and character-revealing TRUTH!
Please also consider liking the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/ZeroesonHeroes

Friday Aug 17, 2018
Unsung Heroes: SUMMER SEMESTER - 8/16/2018 - UH077
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Friday Aug 17, 2018
LOOK AT THE FANCY COLLEGE BOY! On the latest #UnsungHeroes, we listened to your wildest college stories and broke out the brackets to determine the ULTIMATE COLLEGE MOVIE!! Are you a member of the OLD SCHOOL? Or do you live in an ANIMAL HOUSE? Listen and find out!
Please also consider liking the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/ZeroesonHeroes

Friday Aug 10, 2018
Unsung Heroes: ROAD TRIP TALES - 08/09/2018 - UH076
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Friday Aug 10, 2018
HOLIDAY ROOOAAAAD!! On the latest edition of #UnsungHeroes, we break out the brackets to determine the ULTIMATE ROAD TRIP MOVIE! So many hot competitors in the tournament! Did your fav make the cut? Also our heroes told tales of family road trips and life on the nations highways! ... Sort of. Listen in!
Please also consider liking the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/ZeroesonHeroes

Friday Jul 27, 2018
Unsung Heroes: HOMETOWN HEROES - 7/26/2018 - UH075
Friday Jul 27, 2018
Friday Jul 27, 2018
MAMA, I'M COMIN' HOME! On the latest episode of #UnsungHeroes, we talked about our HOMETOWNS! Our guests talked about having a home town built by drugs, abandoned sex resorts, and actively taunting the DC Sniper!!
Please also consider liking the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/ZeroesonHeroes

Monday Jul 16, 2018
ONE SHOT CITY: Hangover from Hell (Pilot) - OSC000
Monday Jul 16, 2018
Monday Jul 16, 2018
ONE SHOT CITY is an actual-play D&D 5th Edition podcast set in the realm's largest kingdom, a fantasy version of New York City. The Kindgom is sprawled over 5 large islands, The Isle of Spires (Manhattan), Kingsland (Brooklyn), Regalia (Queens), The Northlands (The Bronx), and Stah'tuan (Staton Island). Each episode, our Dungeon Master MIKE MERCADAL invites NYC-based comedians, improvisers, and actors to take part in unique self contained adventures drawn heavily from pop-culture. Based out of a tavern in Regalia, THE CREEK AND THE CAVE, each adventure will serve as a piece of a llarger story to build out the world of ONE SHOT CITY!
Our pilot episode stars Brian Mackay as SQWENKS, the Gnome Warlock, John Smith as VIRGIL, the Tiefling Fighter, and Grant Lindahl as ZIGGY SQUIDD, the Human Bard. Our adventurers find themselves locked up after a wild, blackout night. With the help of a Ratfolk Rogue, they have to find their way through One Shot City's seemingly infinite underground tunnels to freedom!

Friday Jul 13, 2018
Unsung Heroes: BLOCKBUSTER BUSTER! - 7/12/2018 - UH074
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Friday Jul 13, 2018
ONE BLOCKBUSTER TO RULE THEM ALL! On the latest edition of #UnsungHeroes, our heroes determined the Ultimate Blockbuster by way of the almighty brackets! We discussed what defines a blockbuster movie, reminisced about Blockbuster Video, and got SUPER COMPETITIVE!
Please also consider liking the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/ZeroesonHeroes

Friday Jul 06, 2018
Unsung Heroes: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA! - 7/5/2018 - UH073
Friday Jul 06, 2018
Friday Jul 06, 2018
BLOW OUT THE CANDLES AND MAKE A WISH! This past week saw both the USofA and host Mike Mercadal celebrating their birthdays! In honor of these honorable occasions, we invited our heroes to celebrate ALL our birthdays! We discussed our best birthdays, worst presents, and really nailed down the rules for giving the PERFECT birthday gift!
Please also consider liking the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/ZeroesonHeroes

Friday Jun 29, 2018
Unsung Heroes: COMEBACK - 6/28/2018 - UH072
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Friday Jun 29, 2018
LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES! After a week off, #Unsung Heroes is BACK, and we're talking about the greatest COMEBACKS of all time! In the case of @ZeroesOnHeroes, that means Best sequels, clap backs to insults, and all the nostalgia that's due for a COMEBACK!
Please also consider liking the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/ZeroesonHeroes

Friday Jun 15, 2018
Unsung Heroes: DINO DESTRUCTION - 6/14/2018 - UH071
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
EVERYBODY WALK THE DINOSAUR!! In honor of the latest installment in the #JurassicPark series, this episode on #UnsungHeroes was all about #dinosaurs and #themeparks! Listen as our heroes tell us all about being dinosaur kids, the vomit rides, and the legend of #ActionPark!!
Please also consider liking the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/ZeroesonHeroes

Friday Jun 08, 2018
Unsung Heroes: PIXAR POWER - 6/8/2018 - UH070
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Friday Jun 08, 2018
BE INCREDIBLE!! On this edition of #UnsungHeroes, in honor of The Incredibles 2, we talk all things #PIXAR! Our heroes tell us all about their favorite movies, crying HARD at cartoons, and reimagine classic films with PIXAR makeovers!
Please also consider liking the Zeroes on Heroes Page on Facebook (http://facebook.com/zeroesonheroes), retweeting @zeroesonheroes on Twitter (http://twitter.com/zeroesonheroes), and writing us a review on iTunes (http://bit.ly/ZOHoniTunes)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES host Mike Mercadal. Recorded live at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday, #ZoH puts out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents discussing the theme of the day and telling their most inspirational and outlandish stories!
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/ZeroesOnHeroes
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/ZeroesonHeroes
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/ZeroesonHeroes