
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Unsung Heroes: THE DARK KNIGHT FREEZES - 2/9/2017
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Monday Feb 13, 2017
GOTHAM WAS UNDER SIEGE BY WINTER! On a super snowy day in NYC, our heroes gathered to discuss all things #BATMAN!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Friday Feb 03, 2017
Unsung Heroes: GROUNDHOG DAY aka Live, Die, Repeat - 2/2/2017
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Friday Feb 03, 2017
The latest #UnsungHeroes landed on Groundhog Day, so WE WATCHED GROUNDHOG DAY! Listen in as we experimented with a live commentary recording. If you want to watch along, THEN PUT YOUR LITTLE HAND IN MINE!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Saturday Jan 28, 2017
Saturday Jan 28, 2017
Saturday Jan 28, 2017
SLAY!! ... but, you know, in a different context. ZEROES ON HEROES is back, and we invited the hilarious CATHY HUMES to be our special guest! In this edition of ZOH, Cathy brings to us tales of her love for BUFFY the Vampire Slayer! We discuss the looping around of 90s fashion, whether she's a Buffy or a Willow, and powerful female ass-kickers!
- Follow Cathy Humes on twitter at @crappyfumes!
- And check out PARK DOPE on Facebook - facebook.com/ParkDope
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Friday Jan 27, 2017
Unsung Heroes: FURY ROAD - 1/26/2017
Friday Jan 27, 2017
Friday Jan 27, 2017
IT"S THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT, AND WE FEEL FINE! In this edition of #UnsungHeroes, we learned about which pop culture apocalypse we're looking forward to MOST. Whether it's a Mad Max style battle for natural resources, murderous Terminators, or a Walking Dead style version of whack-a-mole, our heroes are ready to rock and roll. Grab your favorite bludgeoning tool!!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Friday Jan 20, 2017
Unsung Heroes: ROGUE NATION - 1/19/2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
WE'RE ALL DOOMED!!! But that doesn't mean we can't have any fun while the country does itself in! Unsung Heroes: ROGUE NATION was all about the state of the union, our favorite political and spy movies, and Mike and Will REALLY WANT ALL OF YOU TO WATCH THE MOVIE DAVE!!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Friday Jan 13, 2017
Unsung Heroes: ENTER THE FIST - 1/12/2017
Friday Jan 13, 2017
Friday Jan 13, 2017
[LOUD GRUNTING AND PUNCH SOUND EFFECTS]!! UNSUNG HEROES is coming at you again with FISTS A-FLYING in a celebration al all things FIGHTING! In this episode, our basement-dwelling heroes at the Creek and the Cave joined us to discuss their favorite movie fight-scenes, the majesty of Japanese professional wrestling, breakdance beefs, and apparently every comic is full of NERD RAGE!! HULK SMASH!!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Friday Jan 06, 2017
Unsung Heroes: YEAR ONE - 1/5/2017
Friday Jan 06, 2017
Friday Jan 06, 2017
NEW YEAR! NEW YOU! It's the first edition of UNSUNG HEROES for 2017, and we want to talk about ORIGIN STORIES! Our basement dwelling denizens tell us all about their favorite origin stories, their own personal origin story, but no one talked about X-Men Origins: Wolverine... Which we personally feel was a missed opportunity.
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Saturday Dec 24, 2016
UNSUNG HEROES Saves Christmas! - 12/22/2016
Saturday Dec 24, 2016
Saturday Dec 24, 2016
SEASON'S GREETINGS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! On this edition of UNSUNG HEROES, Will Watkins is on assignment in the North Pole. Mike Mercadal welcomes comedian and friend of the show, A.J. THOMPSON (@AJtheHumorist). In this episode, we invited you to tell us all about their Christmas heroics. Our basement Heroes discuss step-dad hunting, Hanukkah is the Pepsi of holidays, and when Christmas falls out the back of a truck!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Friday Dec 16, 2016
UNSUNG HEROES: A Star Wars Story - 12/15/2016
Friday Dec 16, 2016
Friday Dec 16, 2016
A LONG TIME AGO GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY!! This edition of Unsung Heroes is all about STAR WARS! Mike Mercadal & Will Watkins welcome our basement dwelling heroes to discuss John Williams's awesomeness, Wookiee anatomy, and getting your ass beat dressed as Darth Maul!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Friday Dec 09, 2016
UNSUNG HEROES: The Winter Soldier - 12/8/2016
Friday Dec 09, 2016
Friday Dec 09, 2016
This edition of UNSUNG HEROES found our basement dwelling heroes talking about New York opportunities, bad best friends, Marc Summers, and overcoming the very elements of nature!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins