
Friday Jun 23, 2017
Unsung Heroes: MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE - 6/22/2017
Friday Jun 23, 2017
Friday Jun 23, 2017
AUTOBOTS, TRANSFORM AND ROLL OUT! This edition of Unsung Heroes was all about our favorite transforming robots, and our basement heroes did not disappoint. We discussed the Michael Bay flicks, personal transformations, and EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO SEE THE 1986 TRANFORMERS MOVIE RIGHT NOW!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Monday Jun 19, 2017
DR. ELLIE SATTLER with Nicki Wright - ZOH046
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
HOLD ON TO YA BUTTS! This edition of ZOH, we sit down with comedian Nicki Wright to discuss her gateway to becoming a dino-kid, DR. ELLIE SATTLER from Jurassic Park! Our zeroes discuss Nicki's badass raptor tattoo, weird religious arguments against dinosaurs, Laura Dern's ass-kicking portrayal of the ONLY PERSON DOING ANYTHING TO TURN THE DAMN POWER ON!
ZEROES ON HEROES follows the quest of our intrepid hosts, Mike and Will, to interview funny and interesting people about their heroes. In diving into our guests' admiration, respect, and inspiration drawn from their heroes, from any realm of culture, we learn about them and ourselves.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Friday Jun 16, 2017
Unsung Heroes: VACATION - 6/15/2017
Friday Jun 16, 2017
Friday Jun 16, 2017
HOLIDAY ROOOAAAAAAD! Summer's about to kick off, we talked all about VACATION! Our basement dwelling heroes join Mike and Will to discuss the National Lampoon Vacation flicks, their own dream travel destinations, and vacation success/horror stories! Also... Someone almost drowned on stage... Just listen.
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York every Thursday. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us on stage for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Friday Jun 09, 2017
Unsung Heroes: CRUISE CONTROL w/ BRANDON REAM - 6/8/2017
Friday Jun 09, 2017
Friday Jun 09, 2017
WE CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! On the latest Unsung Heroes, Brandon Ream (@Reamkore) joins Mike as Will is off slaying some Mummies! Speaking of... In honor of The Mummy, our fateful heroes dedicated the entire show to TOM CRUISE! We discussed impossible missions, legends, and ALL HAIL LORD XENU!!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Sunday Jun 04, 2017
Unsung Heroes: HEROINE ADDICTS - 6/1/2017
Sunday Jun 04, 2017
Sunday Jun 04, 2017
FEMALES ARE STRONG AS HELL! In honor of Wonder Woman, Mike and Will invited special guest host/Warrior Princess Sarah Kennedy (@cerak) to interview our basement heroes about their favorite nasty women from history and pop-culture, badass super heroines, and EVERYONE SAID SUPER NICE THINGS ABOUT THEIR MOMS!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Monday May 29, 2017
LOGEN NINEFINGERS with Justin Hill - ZOH045
Monday May 29, 2017
Monday May 29, 2017
OBEY THE FIRST LAW! This edition of Zeroes on Heroes, we welcome friend and comedian, JUSTIN HILL! The Pale Bear sits down with Mike and Will to tell us all about his hero, The Bloody-Nine himself, Logen Ninefingers. They discuss war stories, Lone-Wolfing, and the best sales pitch for THE FIRST LAW book series by Joe Abercrombie!
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Friday May 26, 2017
Unsung Heroes: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES - 5/25/2017
Friday May 26, 2017
Friday May 26, 2017
YO, HO, HO, AND A BOTTLE OF RUM! On this edition of #UnsungHeroes, our basement-dwelling Swash-Bucklers told us all about the favorite Pirates, both fictional and historical, plundering booty, and their own tales of adventure on the high seas.
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Monday May 22, 2017
WEIRD AL with Kevin Froleiks - ZOH045
Monday May 22, 2017
Monday May 22, 2017
DARE TO BE STUPID! On this edition of ZOH, Mike sits down with Comedian and Musical Creator, KEVIN FROLEIKS, to worship at the musical genius of WEIRD AL YANKOVIC! Mike and Kevin discuss going through nerd-puberty, the genius of committing HARD, and how WEIRD AL DOES NOT AGE!
- Follow Kevin Froleiks on twitter at @KevinFroleiks!
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Friday May 19, 2017
Unsung Heroes: IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE - 5/18/2017
Friday May 19, 2017
Friday May 19, 2017
BLEEP BLORP BOOP!! This edition of Unsung Heroes was truly OUT OF THE WORLD! Huge thanks to all our basement heroes who shared their favorite pop-culture aliens, UFO sightings, and INSANE CONSPIRACY THEORIES!
We want to give huge thanks special guests to Sam Rose (@SamCoryRose) & Brian Bahe (@Brian_Bahe) from The UFOlogy Podcast (@UFOlogyPodcast)!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins

Friday May 12, 2017
Unsung Heroes OF THE GALAXY Vol. 2 - 5/12/2017
Friday May 12, 2017
Friday May 12, 2017
WE ARE GROOT!! Listen as Mike and Will welcome our basement-dwelling HEROES at The Creek and the Cave in LIC, NYC, to discuss Guardians of the Galaxy, their own stories of rag tag teams overcoming obstacles, and crazy drunks who make every effort to ignore the format of the show!
Unsung Heroes is a live show brought to you by ZEROES ON HEROES hosts Mike Mercadal and Will Watkins. We record live, at the Creek and the Cave in Long Island City, New York. We put out an open invitation to any would be Heroes to join us for a 5 minute display of their super talents.
Follow our Zeroes: @MikeMercadal & @WilliamAWatkins